We've been working on fixes from our usability research and surveys. With the recent post of
Bugzilla for Humanity, I was inspired to work on the Advanced Search UI because as Johnathan put it, "it is complete and terrible" and for "99% of searches you don't need it". However the other search, the simple search he doesn't bother to mention and of course he <3's quicksearch. I've filed bug
544404 to help quicksearch magic become more discoverable.
So the solution to make the advanced search page less complicated is a multi-parter as always in the Bugzilla world. Here are the steps which may or may not happen in the order they appear.
Step 1. Make the big summary box at the top of the page use quicksearch instead of a summary search.
Step 2. Make the other boxes on the advanced search page work as a helper to the quicksearch
Step 3. Make the advanced search page less complicated.
1 and 2 are more or less out of my area expertise so I'll leave those to mkanat and jjclark. But making the advanced search page less complicated, I can help with.
The approach I took was inspired by the redesign we did at work, basically apply a grid and hide the stuff that doesn't matter most of the time.
I've posted mocks up on bug
450301 but since I'm sure no one wants to read through the bug I'll post the images here:
and the expanded version
What do you all think?